Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43452 | Port Clinton | 14,048 |
43449 | Oak Harbor | 8,281 |
43430 | Genoa | 4,953 |
43440 | Lakeside Marblehead | 4,099 |
43416 | Elmore | 2,900 |
43432 | Graytown | 1,137 |
43445 | Martin | 983 |
43468 | Williston | 629 |
43456 | Put In Bay | 549 |
43408 | Clay Center | 355 |
43458 | Rocky Ridge | 323 |
43446 | Middle Bass | 59 |
43433 | Gypsum | 43 |
43439 | Lacarne | 39 |
43436 | Isle Saint George | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Ottawa County, Ohio (US Census).