Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44256 | Medina | 64,186 |
44212 | Brunswick | 45,874 |
44281 | Wadsworth | 33,768 |
44233 | Hinckley | 8,028 |
44273 | Seville | 6,938 |
44280 | Valley City | 5,355 |
44254 | Lodi | 4,984 |
44253 | Litchfield | 3,613 |
44275 | Spencer | 3,120 |
44215 | Chippewa Lake | 2,634 |
44235 | Homerville | 1,362 |
44251 | Westfield Center | 1,042 |
44274 | Sharon Center | 325 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Medina County, Ohio (US Census).