Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43311 | Bellefontaine | 19,969 |
43357 | West Liberty | 4,469 |
43331 | Lakeview | 4,247 |
43318 | De Graff | 4,185 |
43324 | Huntsville | 2,688 |
43348 | Russells Point | 1,840 |
43360 | Zanesfield | 1,790 |
43347 | Rushsylvania | 1,206 |
43343 | Quincy | 1,124 |
43319 | East Liberty | 1,046 |
43333 | Lewistown | 884 |
43345 | Ridgeway | 851 |
43336 | Middleburg | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Logan County, Ohio (US Census).