Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45373 | Troy | 37,714 |
45356 | Piqua | 24,926 |
45371 | Tipp City | 22,429 |
45383 | West Milton | 6,453 |
45318 | Covington | 5,210 |
45359 | Pleasant Hill | 2,120 |
45337 | Laura | 1,736 |
45326 | Fletcher | 1,282 |
45339 | Ludlow Falls | 1,101 |
45312 | Casstown | 947 |
45361 | Potsdam | 381 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 11 ZCTAs in Miami County, Ohio (US Census).