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An integrated circuit, sometimes called a semiconductor, is a microchip that is used in a variety of modern devices. Integrated circuits are used in everything from laptops to household appliances. Integrated circuits are commonly made of silicon crystals and enable the partial flow of electrons from particle to particle. When voltage is applied, the electrons can flow throughout the circuit, thus generating electricity.
Integrated circuits are made in various countries around the world. Many of the top countries that export integrated circuits are in Asia, although the United States is in the top 6 exporters of these circuits. Below is the list of top 10:
Country | Exports Value |
Hong Kong | $208.04 Mn |
China | $155.17 Mn |
Singapore | $110.51 Mn |
South Korea | $108.93 Mn |
Malaysia | $54.97 Mn |
United States | $51.79 Mn |
Japan | $30.60 Mn |
Philippines | $23.97 Mn |
Germany | $16.20 Mn |
Vietnam | $14.15 Mn |
Semiconductors enable valence electrons to bind with the valence electrons of other atoms. This creates a mesh of silicon molecules and ties them together through a network of valence electrons. Impurities are introduced to the silicon crystal to enable the electricity to flow across the semiconductor.
Semiconductors are used to convert alternating current and direct current. They can also be used in electronic components, including transistors and diodes. Ultimately, semiconductors are found in circuit breaker boxes, laptops, mobile devices, smart phones, military equipment, HVAC systems, televisions, computer monitors, video game consols and more. Nearly any electrical systems that are found in the modern world use semiconductors as an integral part of the device's design.
The COVID-19 pandemic kicked off a series of fluctuations in the global supply chain that eventually caused a semiconductor shortage. Changes in consumer behavior during the pandemic included a downturn in car purchasing, and an increase in purchases of home goods like computers. When the automotive industry reduced their orders for semiconductors, companies that made appliances and computers filled the space that the automotive industry used to occupy.
When the automotive industry was ready to buy more semiconductors, this caused a shortage that lasted for many months. Labor shortages in various parts of the supply chain also contributed to this problem. To accommodate, there are various plans in place to build new semiconductor facilities.