Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
56401 | Brainerd | 31,347 |
56425 | Baxter | 8,626 |
56468 | Nisswa | 4,522 |
56441 | Crosby | 3,601 |
56444 | Deerwood | 3,305 |
56442 | Crosslake | 2,688 |
56465 | Merrifield | 2,241 |
56449 | Fort Ripley | 1,955 |
56455 | Ironton | 1,588 |
56450 | Garrison | 1,021 |
56447 | Emily | 846 |
56448 | Fifty Lakes | 396 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 12 ZCTAs in Crow Wing County, Minnesota (US Census).