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Hardest Countries to Immigrate To 2024

Years of Residency Required
Additional Notes
Liechtenstein30 years (5 years if married, each year counts for two if under age 20)
Must renounce citizenship in any other country.
United Arab Emirates30 years (3 years for citizens of Oman, Qatar, or Bahrain, 7 years for other Arabic peoples).
San Marino30 years
Citizenship is granted after 30 years of uninterrupted residence. Applicants must renounce their pre...
Qatar25 years, having never left for longer than two months
Must have valuable skill. Still will not have full rights once naturalized.
Kuwait20 years (15 for male spouses and certain nationalities)
Must speak Arabic and must have been Muslim for 5 years minimum.
Bhutan20 years (15 for government workers)
Must swear oath of allegiance to king, country, and people. Citizenship can be revoked for criticizi...
Switzerland10 years (5 if from Canada, U.S., or E.U. or EFTA country)
Must have difficult-to-obtain permit to stay in country for required time; must demonstrate devotion...
Austria10 years
Must have in-demand or top-notch professional skills; must learn German, assimilate w/ Austrian cult...
Monaco10 years
Potential citizens are expected to renounce any foreign nationality and be free from foreign nationa...
Germany8 years (7 for some)
Must learn German, have gainful employment, and show knowledge of German society.
United States5 years
Must pass increasingly stringent eligibility requirements, must pass English language and U.S. histo...
Japan5 years
Must undergo years-long screening and interview process, renounce other citizenships
South Korea5 years
Must learn Korean and renounce other citizenships. Males aged 18-35 must serve 18 months in military...
Finland4-5 years
Foreigners can apply for citizenship after 4 or 5 years of permanent residence. Individuals who have...
ChinaUnclear. Requirement exists but is poorly defined.
Can naturalize if relatives are citizens living in China. Process is arduous and challenging.
Saudi Arabianot applicable
Must be spouse of Saudi citizen.
Vatican Citynot applicable
Must be working for the Catholic Church in some capacity or meet extremely narrow requirements. Citi...

Which countries are the hardest to immigrate to?

Vatican City has the world's strictest immigration rules. Consequently, this country only has 450 citizens out of 800 residents.

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